small__2059660171Making time for “you” has got to be a tough challenge. Making time for a healthy you may be impossible. But if you are not healthy, who runs your business? Your business, your employees, and your family depend on you to be in control and in charge – and that means, in control of your health. I talked with Richard Englander and Adam Lassus at Revolution Fitness Nola. They shared these tips for you to reach your true health potential.

  1. Count your calories: both what you take in and what you burn. It’s been said before. “I don’t know why I can’t lose weight. I don’t sit long enough and I’m always on the run.” We fail to realize our actual intake. There are plenty of phone apps that can help you track just how many diet cokes you’re drinking and how many times you go through the drive thru in a week.
  2. Aim for 30-60 minutes of exercise every day. Don’t be alarmed! This can be broken up into smaller manageable increments: a 15 minute walk after lunch or workout with your favorite sitcom. No one can give you more time in a day-it’s not possible. But, you can prioritize your health and are committed to that end. The goal is to squeeze this time in. Regularly scheduling this time, in advance, can help you to stay on track and focused on your personal goals.
  3. On average, a woman 40+ has to exercise at least 60 minutes a day to maintain their weight. Ok, I’ll be honest. This one took me by surprise. This seems daunting. But, remember, head up, shoulders back, and commit.
  4. For weight loss, cut out 3,500 calories a week to lose one pound of fat weekly. I am sure we all know this rule, ladies. The most important thing to remember is to eat sensibly and healthy. Do not skip breakfast. Keep healthy snacks available so you are not tempted to eat candy bars or snack cakes. Try to plan out your meals weekly. This can limit fast food stops.
  5. Be Accountable. Find a workout partner or trainer to hold you accountable for workouts during your busy schedule.  I work out with my children. My oldest son and I weight lift. My younger son and I devote our time to the basketball court. You can work out with a friend, a family member, or join a local club. When I go home, sometimes falling on the sofa is the last act I want to do for the day…but then, a son walks in. That means family time and a healthy family for everyone.
  6. Sleep. Yes, devote time that is already scarce to exercise and find additional time to devote to sleep if you do not get enough. An average of 7-8 hours is considered a healthy suggestion for daily sleep. Appropriate sleep will make a drastic change in your energy levels making you more productive in your waking hours. That means a more productive you in your business and personal life.

We all want to be healthier. Losing weight and/or getting in shape would be a great benefit, right? Get up and get moving.  Don’t forget to check with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Revolution Fitness Nola is located at 2800 Veterans Boulevard, Suite 100, Metairie, Louisiana 70002.

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